Monday, December 7, 2009

Lucie's Laser Light Lunacy

      Last Christmas one of my friends presented me with a laser pointer.  She said that both of her cats regularly went crazy chasing the tiny red laser dot.  It was the most fun of all her cat toys and she was sure that my cats would love it as hers did.  Out of my five cats at the time only one, Lucie, could suspend her disbelief and enter into the spirit of the thing.  She is still the only cat (or dog) who recognizes the laser dot as something to chase and possibly catch.  Call her stupid, gullible, prey driven or all three, she has a great time with the laser while the others sit and watch.

     There is no guarantee that your cat or dog will play with a diode laser light.  It seems to be an individual proclivity that once activated is never forgotten.  They will always know what to do when they see the little red dot. The video shows Lucie attempting to nab the dot.  At 16 years of age she can still move pretty quickly when motivated.
     For a relatively small sum you can see if your cat or dog will succumb to the lure of the laser.  It is a great way to interact with your cat and provide him/her with some much needed exercise.  The pet models are available in most pet stores and online.  If the laser pointer proves a dud with your pets all is not lost.  You can always use it for your PowerPoint presentations at work.
     For safety's sake, never point the laser light at anyone's eyes (people or pets).  The "DANGER" label conspicuous on the pointer warns to "Avoid exposure.  Laser radiation is emitted from this product's aperture."  Also "LASER RADIATION.  AVOID DIRECT EYE EXPOSURE."  Heed the warnings and have fun.

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