Monday, October 19, 2009

Ball Chasing 101

     In anticipation of our dog park visit today and our test of ball throwing devices I want to pay tribute to an old favorite.  The tennis ball has been the go-to toy of every ball dog probably since tennis was invented.  It is a cheap and easy way to provide tons of fun for your basic ball-fixated dog.  The only downside is that thrown by the average person it is not thrown very far and so is thrown more often.  This causes the thrower's arm to wear out and the game to end prematurely.  Having said that, if you forgot to bring your throwing device to the dog park in your haste to get out the door, you hope and pray that someone left an old tennis ball.


  1. Xena is such a cutie! How much of a tennis ball can a dog consume without it becoming a health issue? For example, a jack russell terrier.

  2. Better to not let your dog chew on a tennis ball. If large enough pieces are swallowed they could cause a GI obstruction. Dogs can also wear down their teeth significantly by chewing on tennis balls.
